Friday 10 October 2014

Heroes and Villains

It's been a while since I've written a blog post, sorta been preoccupied wallowing in self pity but today that's gonna change... well maybe tomorrow it will changed I'm still pretty bummed out.

As you may already know if you've read before is I lost my sister a year ago. Whilst I think I've coped with it well I don't think there is a right way of coping.

I mean if I was completely fine and never cried I'd be heartless but if I cried all day and never left the house I'd be an emotional wreck. I guess it's all about balance.

Here is my sad realisation- Maybe I'll never be ok.

Sure I can carry on with my life but I'll never be the same girl I was before. 
I'll always be a bit broken.

But that is ok

I mean none of the great people in this world had an easy life.

Look at super heroes they're orphaned or traumatised in some way.

I realise I shouldn't compare myself to super heroes because lets be honest even if I did build a bat cave and try fight crime in a costume I'd probably get arrested and be sectioned.

It is bad experiences that make us. 

You have a choice, you can either be a villain or a hero in your story.

I'm going to chose to be a hero.

I probably won't save the world I'll just try my best to be a good person.

Blog love
