Monday, 29 June 2015

Why they haven't texted you back...

It's easy to go crazy about things like this, after a date or a one night stand or a crush. 

I realise now I've said the word "crush" this sounds like a lame teen mag article but I swear it's not... Ok it is a little bit but bare with me on this one.

1. They're just busy.

Some people actually don't spend their whole life's starring at their phone... Oh what a magically rare way to live. They could have jobs or plans or do what I do and read the text, mentally reply in my mind and completely forget about it. OR EVEN WORSE- type out the text but forget to press send. I do this all the time and don't realise till I think to myself "Wow they're taking ages to reply..." to then see I never sent it in the first place.

This blog post is turning into "Ways Amy fails" but we'll continue anyway...

2. Bad at replying.

We all know that one guy. THAT GUY. The one that is just so bad at replying, hasn't talked to their parents in over a week so gets the odd phone call to check they're still alive. These are also the kind of people who wander off on a night out, like they're purposely doing it to give you a heart attack. You actually phone their housemates as they are more likely to answer.

3. Maybe you're being crazy.

ITS ONLY BEEN 10 MINUTES. Calm down. Sometimes, especially when you're bored it's easy to go a bit crazy, this does not mean you should spam their voice mail, facebook, twitter, text, email with messages saying "WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME", Keep that crazy to yourself. Go annoy someone else who has to love you like a best friend or family member, they know you're crazy so it's fiiiiine.

4. They just don't like you.

It's harsh... It's super harsh... but I'm going to be cruel to be kind here. If it has been a good few days/week and they don't have a good excuse, chances are they just don't want to talk to you. It's ok! You're great! (I'm just saying this to be nice, I obviously don't actually know you but I'm sure you're just lovely). Don't waste your time on people who don't have time for you. You deserve better. 

Blog love


Saturday, 6 June 2015


A plaque hung on the front door, white with painted tulips, a sign that only those who had previously been to the hospice would understand- a child had died.

Looking over onto the conservatory I could see the heartbroken family, thinking less than 2 years ago I was sat there.

It's strange going back to a place which was basically my home for three months but now the reason to be there is gone.

The staff hadn't changed and smiled as I walked in, but it was that sympathetic smile I try to avoid because it brings me to tears.

I knew it was going to be hard, I'd have a heart of stone if I felt nothing, but I guess I thought I would be stronger by now which I was until I walked into the building.

Funny how a place can have that kind of effect on you. 

I wasn't alone, when I looked to my side my mother was crying her eyes out, I knew there was nothing I could really say to make it better so I just took her hand and gave her that same sympathetic smile.

We sat at a table with a vase of purple and white tulips and a box labelled "Charlotte". It had been 18 months since she passed but only now did we both feel able to open a box of her things. Although now I sat there, I didn't feel ready at all.

The box was full of pictures, Charlotte before she was sick, with hair down to her shoulders, a chubby face and mischievous smile. 

I'd always wondered if I'd done the right thing, not seeing her body after she passed away, but as I looked through the photos I knew I'd made the right choice.

This is how I wanted to remember her.

For the first time since she died, I was happy remembering her for the amazing person she was rather than sad she wasn't here any more.

That's a new kind of strength I didn't know I had.

Blog love