Tuesday 24 May 2016

In a world where everybody lies

I haven't spoken to you in a while, sorry for being a bad friend, forgive me?

So I have a boyfriend now (Woowoop)

Nope I didn't see it coming either.

I wasn't in a great place when we met, I mean I wasn't in a super bad place like I have been I just wasn't in a particularly good place.

I wasn't looking for someone to fix me because I don't need fixing- I'm not broken, 

I am just a girl who has had a rough five years and noone will be able to change that (Unless they happen to have a time machine but I'm not sure if that would be very helpful).

I have issues trusting people for reasons you can read about in other blog posts.

There are very few people I would be able to call friends because my walls are up very high,

In world where everybody lies, it is hard to find someone to trust.

Whilst he hasn't changed the past, or fixed any problems, he's done something quite remarkable.

He broke down my walls, without me even realising,

and when he rebuilt my walls he didn't just make them stronger,

he put in windows so the sun could shine in.

Blog love/ Sorry for being lame


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