Monday, 9 March 2015

The stages of a Dissertation breakdown

This is it, the moment you've been working towards... the BIG piece of coursework to really show what you can do... Make it or Break it... no pressure...

Chances are you're wishing you've chosen an easier, more interesting subject this regret is coupled with the fear of... getting a 2:2 or even worse... A THIRD.

I'm going to walk you through the stages of this difficult time.

1. I've still got loads of time.

You've calculated that if you keep to this schedule and 100 words a week (Which will be super easy) you'll still have 4 weeks to read it over and edit it! Everything's fine, why does everyone say dissertation is stressful all you need to do is plan it properly... Honestly...

2. Wait... It's MARCH

NOBODY PANIC, It's just March, I mean I swear it was just Christmas... but now suddenly it's MARCH. Oh well atleast you kept to your schedule... Oh wait, nope you watched every episode of Friends instead... stupid Netflix costing me my degree.


You've written a word so many times it doesn't look right anymore... How do I spell my name? WHAT YEAR IS THIS?! Calm down it's going to be OK. It's only worth a third of your degree... A THIRD. Let's think of a back up plan, I could probably work as a stripped, join the circus, maybe I'll become that person at Uni who never leaves... Man I wish I was a cat.

4. Wine is my friend.

You spend all your time in the lab or the library. Hardly seeing daylight and when you get home you drink to get the thoughts about statistics out of your head... It's like you're going through a break up.. with SPSS and R. Don't worry time is a great healer... as is Wine and significant results. 

5. Hermit

You haven't seen anyone in days, in  fact you haven't spoken in days, apart from that brief meeting with your Dissertation supervisor which was mainly you nodding to things you don't understand. You start to forget what the people on your course look like and when you finally do see someone you know... you run and hide because you haven't showered and are wearing sweat-pants.

6. Eating your feelings

You need motivation to keep working.. A LOT of motivation- chocolate, crisps, sweets, energy drinks. Cake makes it better, Cake makes EVERYTHING better... Maybe if you bake your supervisor a cake they'll give you a good grade...Hmmm...

7. Don't care

You just don't care anymore. You haven't slept in days, you've haven't cooked a proper meal in weeks and you've written all the words. It's done. It's taken all you have and that's it. Hand in your work and instead of going out drinking you're going to go home and sleep.

IT'LL BE FINE. Keep going, you got this!

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