Thursday 26 February 2015

My Mental Health Disorder

The issue with mental health is it is misunderstood by many people.

There is a lot of judgement and ignorance that cause those diagnosed with a mental illness  choose to keep quiet through this fear of being treated differently.

It's lonely. Isolating.

More people are being diagnosed but less people are talking about it.

I am one of those people; well was. I'm going to try change that.

I was inspired by someone's bravery, they were so honest about something so difficult, it's hard enough dealing with a diagnosis it's a whole other thing to then tell people.

Don't worry I'm not going to push my illness in peoples faces 

I just want to show that I'm not ashamed any more and to explain what the illness is and how it affects the suffers.

Three years ago I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder II disorder.

Bipolar is word that many people have heard and I'm sure you've used it in a sentence light-heartedly without a true understanding of the disorder.

It's a chemical imbalance in the brain that causes emotions to be experienced to a higher degree that a person without this disorder would have.

In other words when you are not under any treatment you can experience these extreme moods described as Mania, Hypermania and Major Depression.

Let's start with Mania, this can be described as a perk of the disorder because have these amazing creative ideas, so much energy you can complete tasks quickly, you're really nice to be around, really friendly and out-going. 

The downsides are: you have difficultly sleeping as your thoughts and ideas just race around your head. You also lose touch of reality it's hard to prioritise because your mind is constantly jumping from one idea to the next and over spending to fulfil all these ideas.

When you are in Mania it's like someone has pressed the fast forward button, your mind works at a faster speed than normal. 

Hypermania- This is not as nice. Your mind is still going fast but it makes you anxious. A mix of paranoia, irritability and anxiety. You snap at people, don't feel like yourself and are very self-conscious. There's no real perks and you're not a nice person to be around. It's very isolating.

Major Depression- Depression is a illness many people have experienced at some point in their life, as I've already explained Bi-polar disorder causes emotions to be more intense which is why it's described as Major. I'm not belittling normal depression because if you have been diagnosed with depression it could be classed as major. Major depression is an intense feeling of sadness usually going hand and hand with suicidal thoughts. One in Five patients of Bi polar disorder commit suicide.

That's the disorder in a nutshell of course it different for each individual.

When it came to getting my diagnosis I didn't think I have bipolar disorder in-fact I didn't know what what wrong with me- I just knew something was wrong.

I tried going to the GP but unfortunately I was told time was a great healer and send me on my way.

As the suicidal thoughts got worse I went to the mental health centre myself and booked my own appointment, by-passing needing a GP referral as I couldn't wait any longer, I needed help and answers.

Living with it

I have to take regular medication which when you first start taking them they have awful side affects but after a few weeks you don't notice them. It takes a while to find your optimal dosage and cocktail of medication but once you've found it, you are in control of your emotions.

The only times it becomes an issue is when you're faced with triggers. Everyone's triggers are different but they're usually things like stress, bereavement and heartbreak. That is when even when on medication you can see those symptoms start to appear again but if you know your own body and know your own emotions and triggers they can be controlled. 

The bottom line is I'm glad I have bi polar, If I didn't I wouldn't be so creative, driven, clever or understanding of other peoples emotions.

Great people in history had Bipolar Disorder:
Edgar Allan Poe,
Vincent van Gogh
Frank Sinatra
Florence Nightingale
Kurt Cobain
Winston Churchill

I guess it's a blessing in disguise and it's made me who I am.

I'm not ashamed anymore.

If anyone has any questions relating to this or want some guidance with your own mental health issues please don't hesitate to contact me.

Blog love


Friday 13 February 2015

Reasons you're alone this Valentines...

1. "Relationships are just too much hassle"

You just can't be bothered. Dating is too long and too expensive and you'd much rather spend that money on Dominoes whilst you sit in bed watching Netflix alone.

2.  "I'm just waiting round for the right person"

In other words all the people who are interested are either crazy or creepy and as desperate as you are to find your other half you haven't quite reached that stage yet... OR you're already madly in love with someone but don't have the courage to tell them so instead you will sit alone and wonder what they're doing this Valentines... "I wonder what Ryan Gosling is doing right now...."

3. "I'm still trying to figure out who I am."

You're super boring and need to find something interesting about yourself for some good conversation topics- The last date you went on was full of awkward silence... and the sex after was even worse.

4. "I'm not good at commitment"

You have the emotional availability of a ham sandwich

5. "I just got out of a long term relationship"

That kinda screwed you over so it's going to take a good year before you can trust another human being enough to give them a rose... Don't worry this is a safe place.

6. "Valentines isn't really my thing"

You just want sex. No strings attached no feelings no "I love you lets get married" NO you just want sex. Unfortunately you're so god damn awesome "Fuck buddys" fall in love with you and make it awkward- It's hard being that sexy.

7. "Noone loves me"

An honest answer.  Firstly someone does love you it's just not in a "Have a rose, let me cook you a candlelit dinner and then we can stare into each others eyes" kind of love. It's more of a friendly, family love- That's still love though so don't feel disheartened. As cliché as it sounds they're out there somewhere and it'll be worth the wait.

Blog love

Sunday 8 February 2015

People that need to go away

You ever in one of those moods where everyone is just annoying.
Whilst I'm normally quite a friendly person but when I'm sleep deprived and stressed I'm not in the mood to talk to strangers so here is a list of people who need to just GO AWAY.

1. The person loudly talking on the phone.
In a computer lab, library, bus, train etc you need to go away with your irrelevant conversation and need to shout every single thing! Did your parents ever teach you about using your INDOOR VOICE. Especially if I'm already stressed doing work I do not then need to hear about your Mothers cat. That will not help me write this dissertation.

2. People who slurp their drink.

Get a straw or learn to drink properly before I knock it out of your hand. (I realise most people probably don't mind slurping but I can't stand it... sorry for unnecessarily ranting)

3. Taking selfies in stupid places.

You're in the queue at Tesco- this is not the time for a selfie. Go home and think about what you've done.

4. People who won't take your rejection seriously.

I politely said no at your offer to buy me a drink. I then said no you can't have my number. Yes you're still continuing to ask. Persistence isn't a quality I'm really looking for in a man- Stop it.

5. People who walk out of exams saying how great they did.

Even if you did do well- don't brag about it. I'm now hoping you fail and I don't like this side your cockiness is bringing out of me. Go home.

6. People who think Climate change isn't real.

I'm not even going to explain this. You're idiots. I hope natural selection kicks in.

7. Racists, Homo-phobics and all other discriminating groups.

You are the worst kind of people.What someone else chooses to do with their life is not yours to judge. Unless they are causing harm it is nothing to do with you. Take your ignorance somewhere else.

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