Friday, 28 November 2014

My List

I realise we're a bit far from New Year so it's a bit early to start New Years resolutions that let's be honest I'm not going to keep so instead I'm going to write a list of goals I'm going to do from RIGHT NOW.

Yeah I could of waited for a bit more of a memorable time than the 29th November but oh well effort to wait another whole day.

Anyway lets get the ball rolling,

1, Laugh more
Sometimes you're going to feel sad, it's inevitable so make the most when something makes you smile or laugh.

2. Stop over thinking
Things happen that you can't change, can't justify. Take a deep breath and move on.

3. Tell my family I love them more
Yes they're annoying and super weird but so are you, I think it's in the genes. 

4. Generally tell people I love them more.
I mean friends here don't become one of those people offering free hugs on the street

5. Stop taking for granted what you have.
You're lucky. Really you are,

6. Go on more dates 
(With the boyfriend not just random men)

7. Get outside more!
Whilst the lab and bar are both warm there isn't a lot of nature in there.

8. Be content with your body 
because plastic surgery is painful and let's be honest you'll never be able to afford it

9. Look after yourself.
You're not a super hero so eat your veg.

10. Don't give up.
Life's hard but you can do this.

Blog love


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