Tuesday 13 October 2015

You can't take this away from me

I haven't written to you in a while, don't worry it's nothing you did.

I've just been busy but you'll be happy to know that I am feeling like myself again.


When you post something online you are always going to receive negative responses, no matter how good it is.

Whilst I have a flood of positive messages about my blog which I really appreciate and means the world to me, I have recently also been bombarded by negative messages so this post will address them.

My blog may not be what you want to read but I'm not holding a gun to your head. If you don't want to read it- don't read it.

My blog may make you feel uncomfortable but that's not my issue that's yours and the current world we live in. 

Mental illness shouldn't be a secret, it shouldn't be something we hide, people shouldn't suffer in silence.

Surely it is better for me to be honest with the world so that people can help rather than keep it locked up tight where I am destined to get worse by wallowing in my own self pity.

People can't help if they don't know.

A big thing with suicide cases is that people didn't even know they were sad, they feel so much guilt because they had no idea what was going on in their loved ones mind.

I'm giving you the key to my mind, to my heart. You can read my blog and discover exactly what is is like in my head.

I think that's a pretty unique gift.

My blog is not a cry for attention, it is me trying to change how we view mental illness and how those struggling with mental illness should seek help without feeling ashamed or embarrassed.

I am not going to stop writing it.

It helps me in my darkest hour so I'm not going to apologise.

You can't take this away from me.

Blog love


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