Monday 26 May 2014

A little pep talk just for you

My past few posts have been rather sad so let me just take this moment to give you motivational pep talk based on... well... Life I guess.

Life is hard.

It doesn't matter how strong you think you are it will knock you down. 

You have a choice.

You can either stay there or you can climb your way out of hell.

It's not going to be easy.

It is easy to accept defeat, it is easy to settle and stop moving forward.

It is easy to throw your hands up in the air and say "I'm done with this".

It is normal to question yourself, to doubt yourself, to curse the world.

When hard times come about you find yourself questioning "Why?"

"Why is this happening to me."

"I'm a good person"

"I'm not hurting anyone, I am just trying to protect my family"

Yet there are things that continue to to knock you down.


There are people who do not deserve to be in your life, they do not understand what it means to be your own person because they spend they're like looking at other people trying to make themselves into their hero's but what they fail to see, what they fail to realize is that you will never be the best if all you do is copy.

It is uniqueness that makes true greatness.

It is that uniqueness that separates you from others that makes you stand out. 

Listen to yourself and find out who you want to be. What kind of person do you want to be?

Don't focus on what you want to look like or what you want to own, what kind of person do you want to be?

You will find that as you start to get better, as you start to focus these people are no longer part of your life. Why? because you are not focusing on making them happy or on being like them. You are your own person and you attract other people with that vision with that idea of the world. 

You'll find yourself surrounded by other people who deserve to be part of your life. 

My point is, if you keep going, keep focused on who you want to be and never accept defeat.

You are not finished until you make it.

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