Friday 6 November 2015

Things I'm tired of hearing about my piercings (and tattoos more on that later)

I got my tongue pierced today dundunduuuun 

Anyway as a lover and wearer of piercings and tattoos there are certain reactions from people I am fed up of getting, so here it is (for piercings I'll do a separate one for tattoos)

1. Did it hurt?

Seriously I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked this, they stuck a needle in me of course it hurt but not unbearable. It's not THAT bad, some people like the pain... these people are serial killers. 

2. You suit your piercing but I generally hate it, it looks tacky.

Don't lie to me, I'm not the exception here. You also think I'm tacky and that is fine. Everyone as their own taste but that doesn't mean you should go shouting about it. It's like if I went up to every person with blue eyes and said "You suit your eyes but I really don't like blue eyes on humans"- how are you supposed to reply to that?! (Btw that was a lie I love love LOVE people with blue eyes just want to eat you all up)

3. I could never do that too my body.

That's nice... Please go on. Seriously what is the point in that statement, I understand when people say I'm too squeamish but just stating that you are better than piercings is fucking rude. Stop it. Stop it right now.

4. What did your parents think?

Well I'm an adult now so not much really but thanks for your concern.

5. Aren't you worried about how people will view you? I mean what about getting a job.

PLEASE I have a job. Also what kind of judgemental pricks aren't going to hire me because I have a piercing? Unless it is going to get in the way of me doing the job I don't get what the issue is. Why should I care how people view me? It's my body, my life, surely we should embrace individuality rather than trying to fit into what everyone thinks is desirable.

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